Friday, March 25, 2016

Peep Tuxedos

Peeps are my favorite treat to enjoy this time of year. I know some people hate them and others love them. It just depends on your preference. Now if you thought they could get any better let me tell you they just did. I made these adorable tuxedo bunnies and it didn't take much time at all. So if you're ready to learn, here's how you can create them.

Peep Bunnies
White Chocolate Melts
Black Chocolate Melts
Piping bag or Ziploc bag

First, melt the white chocolate according to the package. Once its melted, dip the bottom part of the bunny into the white chocolate and let it harden.

Next, melt the black chocolate. Dip the bunny at an angle on both sides to form a v shape.
Take the piping bag or Ziploc bag and fill it with a little bit of black chocolate and cut a very small hole on the side of the bag. Begin piping a button and bow tie to the bunny. Let them harden.

Final Result:

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