Friday, December 19, 2014

DIY: Hot Chocolate Kit

Hot chocolate is one of my favorite drinks during winter, and since buying gifts for everyone can get expensive. I decided to give some coworkers hot chocolate kits that were super cute, easy to make, and inexpensive. I will show you two different ways to put them together.

Coffee Cups with Lids
Hot Chocolate Mix
Ziploc Bags
Candy Canes
Treat bags and ties

How to:
Take the lid of the coffee cup and place it under the cup

Place some marshmallows in a small Ziploc bag

Put the chocolate mix, marshmallows, and candy cane inside the cup

Take the treat bag and put the cup inside

End Result:

Candy Holder
Small jar
Hershey Kisses
Treat Bags
Candy Canes
Hot Chocolate Mix

Nail Polish Remover
Cotton Pad
Name tag

How to:
Clean the wax from the candle holder by placing it in the freezer overnight

Take a butter knife and crack the wax, and take it out

Wash the container and take off the labels

If the container is sticky use some nail polish remover and it should come right off

Rinse the container once more
Do the same to the small container as well

In the small container add some Hershey kisses and marshmallows
Place it in the big container

Take the chocolate mix and candy cane and put it inside the container

Put the container in the treat bag and tie a ribbon into a bow
Place a name tag around it

Final Result:

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