Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

What you will need:
Yellow Cake Mix
12 inch round cake pan
Brown Sugar
1 Stick of butter
Maraschino Cherries
Pineapple Slices

How to:
First, you take the stick of butter and place it in the pan. You put the pan in low heat and keep an eye on it. As soon as the butter is completely melted remove the pan from the heat.

Next, fill the pan with brown sugar until it is completely covered.

Then, place the pineapple slices around the edge of the pan and one in the middle. Make sure the pineapple isn't touching the rim of the pan or they might come off when you take out the cake. In the middle of each pineapple, and around the middle of the pan, place some cherries.

I then got the cake mix ready and transferred it into the pan and put it in the oven to bake. Once the cake was done, I let it cool off.

Finally, it was time to put the cake on a plate.
End result:

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